This is a letter for girl

You have come a long way, girl. I know you have. I can count your scars and I know all you have been through. I know.

You have to stop being so hard on yourself. You have to stop pretending you do not care, while you do, and greatly. You have to see yourself as you really are.

I know it is hurting. I know your heart aches. I know it has been shattered and you feel, once again, you won’t be able to put it back together and move on. But you will. You always do.

Talk. Let it all out. Take a deep breath and just let your heart speak. Let all your feelings come to surface so you can be honest. Not only with yourself.

I know it is hurting.

I know you feel like you don’t deserve and I know you see yourself in the mirror and have doubts. I know you feel lost and have no ground to hold you. But there is one – you just can’t see it yet.

I know it is hurting.

I know you feel like you are drowning. I know you are suffocated by your feelings. That is why I tell you, girl: let it all out. Be nice, be gentle. But do not pretend you don’t care. You know you do.

I know it is hurting.

But I promise you – this, too, has an end.

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