This is a letter for you. And you only

I don’t function when I’m with you. Not because I don’t want to – it is because you feel like home. I don’t need to function when I’m home. I can just be there.

I don’t need to defend my opinions or tell people how body language works. I don’t need to understand politics or any basic math problem.

I’m not eloquent when I’m with you. Not because I don’t want to – I know I can be eloquent and express every little thing that crosses my mind. I just can’t. You have swoon me and now I barely function.

I wish I was as interesting or as smart. But I don’t need to be anything when I’m home. You read books with important content and theories that can change the world. I read about monsters and love.

Inside my head everything makes perfect sense – however, my neurons can’t connect when they speak to you. They are comfortable in silence.

I don’t feel like I have to be eloquent near you – I feel you can read my mind.

I feel at home.

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