This is a letter for those who forgot

“If you ever feel like drowning, just remember to focus on something and breathe”. I can’t tell who told me that, or even why, but I keep that in mind.

Deep in the water your thoughts seems clearer. The pressure is gone and only you matter. It feels like you find your purpose in life once again. But when you feel like drowning and your are not near water, life is just ripping you apart.

And you remember to breathe. To focus. To think about you and you only. And you see you are missing life and missing living because you forgot the only important thing in life: you. Everything else seems more important, everyone seems more precious. And you are just you – going with the flow, doing whatever life requests, but never living. Never loving.

Deep in the water there is nothing else, except hope. There is no rush, no stress, no running. You don’t worry about failure, criticism. There is only you and the weight you have put up on your shoulders. So you remember all that you did, all the guilty you have been carrying around, the pain, the low self esteem, bad memories and that you are the only one who can put it all away. The water shows you that there is only one thing to be worried about – you.

So when you feel like drowning, it means you have forgot yourself. To live. To see. To feel.

To love.

Remember you again.

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