This is a letter for our imperfections

I never liked perfect things. Especially people. Bright perfect teeth and big eyes with big eyelashes. Straight hair with not a single wave out of its place.

I never liked people who know what to say at the right moment. Or how their life’s are put together so perfectly even at a young age. I never liked those who present themselves so well and know how damn intelligent they are.

I like your separated teeth. Your bad skin, tainted by acne when you were young. Ah, puberty… I like the fact that you limp a little with your left leg.

I like that you spilled water on your white blouse during a funeral. I like that you trip and fall because you are not coordinated. I like that your arms are a bit saggy and your stomach is not negative.

I like the dark circles under your eyes. I like how you are frozen when you don’t know an answer and how you slip in your chair when you know the answer but is too afraid or too shy to say it out loud. The answer is love, isn’t it?

But what I like the most is the junction of all our imperfections. Every flaw that makes us so unique, so incredible. So…us.

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