This is a letter

When things go not the way we imagined or expected, we are forced to focus and see things the right way. We are forced to see the things we have been avoiding, maybe fearing we could get hurt. What is the fun about living if we don’t get hurt every now and then?  What is the point on avoiding feeling? Priorities are always different. That is the first thing we should learn about people – their priorities hardly will be the same as yours. If they are, consider yourself lucky as fuck.

You find yourself trapped between emotions, chained in your expectations while being beaten up by reality. You find yourself dealing with the dance of love while playing in the pain board. Expectations are a high risk – it is a jump in the dark, hoping there is a net of the same things casted by someone else to hold you. Often we jump and find nothing. For some people this is a small death.

It is incredibly complicated how simple things actually are. It is only yes or no. Black or white. In or out. But there is no fun in simple – therefore expectations. Wouldn’t it be easier if we just adjust realities from day 1? Apparently this is the lost art of simplicity. We try to scrutinize every word, every action, every song when it could just be one simple: let’s not. We obsess, we talk about whatever over and over and over again. We call, we text, we try to reason, we seek the impossible answer, when it was only a matter of setting the cards on the table.

But we jump. Whatever the outcome, we jump. We jump because, truly, we need to. When priorities are different, someone has to jump first. So go on then – jump.



P.s: for you, my dear.


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