This is a letter for you, my phantom other

Before I start this letter, once again, welcome new readers. I know this blog has been fairly unattended, but I’ll do my best to come more often and share with you some of the letters written in my mind.

(P.s: hello Spanish people. Both Sonia and I know you also read this. WordPress is such a tell all…)

So, now, this is my letter to my phantom other.

About a year ago I wrote you a letter. One of the most honest and raw letters I have posted here. I knew you were hurt – I was just as much. You were the phantom other because I always knew you were there, but I pretended you were just a phase. Something that would disapear in thin air, just like a pink mist. Alas, you kept coming. Day after day.

Until that final call. The one he decided to end things with me to be with her – which, strangely enough, she is completely different from us! (I honestly thought he would maintain the pattern… crazy, brunettes, all over the place girls!)

Months went by. He left, you moved on with your life, I moved on with mine. However, we were each others phantoms, so we were still connected. And I posted that picture and you reached out. What a glorious day!

Of all the things I would like to tell him (but you know I just don’t care enough anymore to talk to him) is: thank you! Thank you so much for bringing Sonia into my life. For being such a fucking asshole, but an asshole that rouse our sorority even higher. But you said enough to him that day – I’m pretty sure he now knows we are thankfull for each other (and quite frankly his girlfriend now thinks we are both crazyheads jealousy ex-girlfriends. Oh well).

I’m thankful for you understanding my really poor galego. For making me laugh. For being just as CSI as I’m. For the good morning msgs. For when you said you were worried I’d lost too much weight. That meant the world to me.

We used to hate each other and now I can only think of: when can I get sometime off to fly to Galícia and finally meet her? Life is a tricky thing, isn’t?

Thank you for your crazyness, your lack of filter, your badass attitude and this amazing heart. Most of all, thank you for sharing my pain and coping with me.

Let’s face this world, together! ❤

From one pintinha to the other. To phantom others. To us!