This is a letter for Mercury Retrograde

Mind you, this is not an astrological chitchat. I like it, but I have no technical knowledge, so this is just a thank you letter.

I was never one to fully understand the meaning of Mercury Retrograde. I always thought it was to make our lives difficult, communications going bananas, technologies going berserk and on and on just a few days of complete chaos and nonsense.

Until THIS Mercury retrograde (as of now, it is over). This one, in Scorpio, shone the brightest light on my darkest corner. And, after 35 years of doing things recklessly, of always trying to be the bigger person on some parts (not going to let you all scrutinize all the bullshit), I saw it all – there, exposed, naked as fuck.


No idea, fellow readers. No fucking idea.

But, here I’m. I had this huge spotlight showing me all I did wrong all this years. It is like to have kicked the hornets nest. But don’t get me wrong, it was the most absolute greatest thing that has ever happened to me during a mercury retrograde (clearly I was probably over drinking and not paying attention to all the other lessons).

But, here – this one I was not able to run away. Is it because I got older? Finally being over my 30’s actually meant something? God knows. However, this time the trick worked and I was forced to look into something I never paid the slightest attention and it is incredible how a little shed of light can make wonders. And, looking back, when you realize how every single choice you made in the past smirks back at you now saying: há, it hurts, doesn’t it? And, to be honest? Not as much as I thought it would. How would I learn, if not making the most stupid decisions?

I know this letter makes zero sense – for far too long I didn’t write a letter, lost the hang of it.

But, dear Mercury, thank you. It was deeply important to go through all of this, exactly at this time. It was the kick I needed.